Setting the correct size of vertex cache

GPUs have a vertex cache of a certain size. Accessing mesh vertices from the cache is an order of magnitude faster than accessing vertices from elsewhere in the memory. You can optimize the mesh data for a certain cache size by reordering vertices and indices in the vertex buffer so that the amount of cache hits is optimal.

For example, a 16-byte vertex cache can store Position + Normal + Texcoord (XYZ * 2 + XYZ * 2 + UV * 2), but is too small to store Position + Normal + Texcoord + Color.

To set the correct size of vertex cache for your target hardware:

  1. Find out the vertex cache size of your target hardware.
  2. In Kanzi Studio select Project > Properties and in the Properties in the Binary Export property category set:

See also

Reducing the number of rendered vertices

Editing the origin of nodes and setting the data type for vertex attributes

Setting culling

Loading resources in parallel

Troubleshooting the performance of your application

Meshes best practices

Optimizing meshes

Best practices